
Letztenendes war es das Erdmännchen, das es stilvoll oben aufs Treppchen geschafft hat, nach 6-9 Schichten je Druck. Was auch Dank Fotograf Michael Gaidas Treppenmotiv so schön gelingen konnte.

[6 Drucke, gedruckt in 6-9 Schichten mit jeweils unterschiedlichen Farben; Vorlage teilweise handgezeichnet. Engl. Titel: in style]




September 2020/Juli 2021


Screen print of a meerkat standing on a run-down staircase. It holds a neon orange handbag and looks challengingly at the viewer.
Screen print of a meerkat standing on a run-down staircase. It holds a golden handbag and looks challengingly at the viewer.
Screen print of a meerkat standing on a run-down staircase. It holds a golden handbag and looks challengingly at the viewer.
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Screen print of a meerkat standing on a run-down staircase. It holds a neon orange handbag and looks challengingly at the viewer.
podium_michael gaida2